Parent Volunteers Needed

The parents association run a couple of events every school year which rely on the generosity of parents giving up some of their free time to volunteer. We are putting together a database of parents who are interested in helping out at events during the year. If you...

Colours Day 2015!

  This Friday, March 27th is annual Colours Day! Uniforms will be replaced with denim, tulle, sports jerseys and colour as children can choose what they wear to school this Friday! The uniforms can be banished to the end of laundry baskets not to be seen again...

Well Done Operation Transformation!

Operation Transformation finished up at the end of February. Well done to the 50 parents who took part and joined in in the weekly weigh-ins and walks! There was a great overall weight loss and it was great to have company on the dark evenings and freezing cold...