6th Class Coffee Morning June 19th

A quick reminder that there is a coffee morning for all sixth class parents this Friday, June 19th from 10am-12pm in the senior school hall. All sixth class parents are welcome to come along and catch up with the other parents in their year as their 6th class daughter...

Communion Receptions 2015

Over the last two weekends, over 150 second  class pupils celebrated their first holy communion.  There were six masses and six communion receptions. This was the first year the communion receptions took place in the new school building which was the perfect setting...

2014 Confirmations

  Congratulations to all six sixth classes who celebrated the sacrement of confirmation on March 4th and 6th. The Parents Association looked after the refreshments after the sacraments both days for the second year and both days were a great success.  It was a...